Tuesday 27 March 2018

Hayley's Embarrassing Moment

I was at school, on Friday, when I received an invitation from my best friend Ivy. I looked at it for a moment. It was going to be on Saturday afternoon at 1:30pm. After school I quickly biked home and showed mum. Mum thought it was a fancy dress party. Mum got her wallet and said ¨let's go.¨ So we jumped into the car and drove to the Riccarton mall. The first thing we did was to go to Farmers. We went straight to the jeggings. I picked out a black pear. They were as black as night. Then we walked to the T shirt aisle. I picked out a light blue like the sky. We quickly payed for them and drove back home to try them on. They fitted perfectly. Next thing it was bedtime. I said goodnight to mum. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. I heard the birds chirping happily as I woke up the next morning. I was so excited. I jumped out of bed and quickly got changed into my new clothes. Mum was already up making pancakes. Before I knew it it was the afternoon and mum had dropped me off. Ivy came running up to me. ¨Happy birthday¨ I said. ¨Thanks.¨ ¨I invited your BOMD!¨. ¨NOOOOO!!! I said. As I walked in my BOMD started to come towards me. I ran straight for the fizzy drinks. I grabbed the raspberry flavor. I started to walk towards my BOMD while I was drinking my drink we were about 3 meters apart. Then It all went wrong. I tripped over some carpet and my raspberry went all over my BOMD. After that he got up and ran all the way home. After that I called mum on my phone and told her to come and get me. So she did. Once I got home I went straight up to my room and did not come out for two days.

Amber Embarrassing Moment

My embarrassing story By Amber There I was sitting in front of my crush at assembly hoping that I would get an Award. After about one or two minutes later I heard my name get called out to go up and get my award. My face turned bright red, my cheeks were as hot as lava, I had butterflies in my stomach. My crush was calling out to me, “Amber Amber go up and get your Award Amber Amber”. But I didn't go up, I turned around to look at my friend, my eyes were about to blow. I turned back around feeling so silly inside. A teacher came up to me with the Certificate and gave it to me. I was hoping that would never happen again.
My embarrassing story There I was sitting in the silent School hall full of people and guess what happened I farted it was the loudest fart I have ever done in my entire life. My face turned bright red like tomato sauce. Everyone look at me I had butterflies in my stomach. I ran out of the hall in. As I scurried to the girls bathroom in tears I heard a big crowd laughing behind me. As I pushed my way through the door I smacked into someone. I tripped over and when I got up I saw that the person I ran into was my friend Amelia coming out of the bathroom. “ Hi what's wrong Liyah, why are you crying?” Amelia asked. I farted? I replied in a miserable voice. My kind friends Amber and Letitia-Ann and Amelia helped my back to class .I was embarrassed for the rest of the day and only my friends hung out with me. That will never happen again.

By Liyah W

Eunize's Embarrassing Moment Story

The embarrassing afternoon By Eunize It was such an embarrassing moment! What happened was... Jazzy had her injections at school and she was feeling a bit light-headed. She was quietly walking down the stairs when she suddenly tripped over and landed upside down! She was so embarrassed and her white face was turning super red like a tomato. She pulled her skirt down really fast and quickly ran to the girls bathroom. When she got to the bathroom she was looking at the mirror she was washing her face with clear cold water. She was also slapping her face. She came out of the bathroom and covering her face up with her shirt while she was walking up the stairs with the boys looking at her laughing. When school end she was talking to herself saying “ I will never trip again in my entire life. That was so embarrassing that I will not go to school tomorrow. “

Miguel's Embarrassing Story

That unforgettable Friday morning last week when I was cycling straight on the magnificent path in North Hagley Park with my friend Lars. We saw this incredible guy doing amazing tricks on his bike, he was riding his beautiful,blue bike with one wheel. So Lars and I decided to copy the guy, we cycled our way down on a shade of a great big tree to copy the guy secretly, because we didn’t want the guy to see us and other people too. Lars and I decided who will copy the first trick, “You will” he said in a shy voice “Ok” I answered. Firstly I tried standing on my bike while riding it, but I kept falling, all I can hear from Lars mouth is him laughing at me incredibly hard, but I didn’t mind I just wondered what will happened to Lars when he tries it. Secondly I tried riding my bike with one wheel like a clown on a circus. I kept falling but I still kept trying to do it. I couldn’t hear Lars laughing anymore there was silence. I was to concentrated on what I was doing I didn’t realize that the guy who was doing the tricks was watching me and a lot more people, and Lars was standing over there too. Then the crowd started laughing at me and so did Lars. I was so embarrassed that I took off with my bike and zoomed straight home. The next two days I ignored Lars like he was a ghost, and I told to myself i'm not going out with Lars at the park anymore.

Monday 26 March 2018

Gloria's Embarrassing Story

I had a fantastic day then I suddenly remembered that it was one of my dear friend, Alexia's birthday party! I was excited I finished my university test at record speed. I skidded to the math teacher like my legs were stuck to living cheetah legs and handed her the long test, she looked at me surprised, marked it and passed it back to me. I sat back down and I noticed that everyone was staring at me with their beady little eyes. Alexia whispered to me “I didn’t know you could write so fast!” “yea I didn’t expect that either” I replied with a smile. After a long, exhausting day of school I got a call from Miriana to meet her at the back of Jelly (Jellypark) “hey, Gloria meet me in Jelly at 4:00 with your flash red skates.” exactly after she said that I replied in a happy tone“ok, but I have to scoot my boot at 5:45 to my friend´s b-day party.” I speed to my humongous house and slipped on my rollerblades and rolled to Jelly. I skated with Miriana till 5:45 and said my farewells, then as fast as lightning I made it to Alexia's party in the middle of a park, but as soon as I entered still with my rollerblades on I slipped like a fool and slided to the wall and smacked my face against it. Alexia turned as pale as a ball of mozzarella while I turned a bright cherry red, hurled in a ball and rushed home. That was the last time I was going to go to a party that year.

Jaren's Embarrassing Moment Story

Embarrassed Story By Jaren On an early bright morning at 6:07 am Jed was working on his recipe for his first science teaching project at South Hornby School. There I was almost finished my science frubble bubble that can never be popped. Suddenly it was 8:49am, Jed instantly dashed to his room and got his clothes and bag ready and drove like superman to South Hornby School. He walked inside the classroom and the children were sitting down at their desks emotionally quietly. Then Jed talked with a horrible speech, “Hi my name is Jed and I will be showing you my science experiment.” He smiled as he made the frubble bubble. Jed put shampoo and some water and glue in his shiny beaker, but suddenly Jed’s (his) bag was covered with sticky glue. Jed ran to his bag and started to realize he put the wrong recipe, it was a pink toxic spray. He open to his bag panicky and saw all the toxic that were in his bag. then popped to his face and the rest of the class laughed Jed was was so embarrassed and glad to have a first and last day at that school.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Miguel's Showman Story

Gloria's . Great Showman Story

Vhinesse the Shy Skater . By Eunize

Vhinesse the Shy Skater By Eunize

 Vhinesse is a cute,tall girl in the ice skating park. She has adorable brown light short hair and she had black eye.Her mouth was kind of small. her mouth color was rose re. She was wearing a gray fluffy gloves and she was also wearing a hot pink cosy jacket. Her head was normal like other people’s and she was wearing a ballerina curly skirt it was kind of covered because her jacket was long. She has peach skin and she was wearing a ice skating shoes it was very shiny like a diamond in the cave.

 On a freezing,snowy day. In a huge ice skating park near the frozen lake in Canada had a ice skating competition and Vhinesse was in that competition. Vhinesse was quietly waiting for her turn in the competition. She suddenly realise that the girl in front of her was the great great great ice skate dancer champion in the whole wide world. Her name was Daisy. She wanted to back off so she quickly ran to the bathroom and she rushly changed into her normal clothes and she forgot that her bag was in one off the sits

One of the judge took the microphone to say that it’s Vhinesse’s turn but Vhinesse was not coming out of the bathroom so the judge said that two more times. Vhinesse’s mom walked until she got to the girls bathroom to look for her. When Vhinesse mom walked inside the bathroom she saw Vhinesse there hiding inside the toilets by looking down. She told her to come out. Vhinesse was nervous of going out. Her mum said “i’m so disappointed off you. Your turn is over so we're going home im telling this to your dad”. Vhinesse and her mom went outside the huge ice skating park and safely drive home.

Beatrix the Skater A character description by Alexia

Beatrix the Skater By Alexia Beatrix has beautiful black pearly hair tied up in a bun. She has a red sparkly lace dress with red rose lips with light pale skin. Her lacy dress at the top looks like lacy flowers . She has some skater shoes that blend into her as pale as a sheep skin. She has sparkly pearly red arm gloves on her arms.She has beautiful red glossy nails.

 Beatrix is performing at the ice skating competition in the Horncastle arena. Everyone is taking photos. There's flashing lights everywhere from people taking photos. But just at that moment a flaming fire spark went on the slippery shining ice it almost hit Beatrix. The flaming fire spark bounced on the ice then it was melting one part of the ice. Then Beatrix skated on the melting place of the ice then water splashed everywhere. She screamed loudly everyone in the arena were recording on their phones. just then at that moment they were worried about her, Everyone was wondering where the fire spark came from. Then even more fire sparks came bursting out of this little tiny hole in the roof, just then someone went down on the ice and fiercely her out to the back stage , as they were at the back of the stage everyone came rushing down the back but just then the ambulance came and gave her treatments and than she was okay.

Mitchell H's What Happened Next Story

The day I slipped on a banana skin Last week, on Sunday afternoon, I was on my BMX bike when suddenly I ran over a yellow, ripe banana. I lost control, speeded up and skidded. My back wheel slipped as I squished the banana and it exploded yellow and brown banana guts. My black, back wheel fell off. I drove crazily over the rough pavement. Then I crashed into a dark blue, old fashioned cranky bus carrying 50 students from Wigram Primary School. The bus driver was very cross with Dylan. The bus driver said you will pay for this. The bike was destroyed you can not make it again so I put it into the bin. I told my mum and she was cross. The Wigram Primary kids was cross too because I made them lose their trip.

Amelia's Skater Story

Scarlett the skater By Amelia Scarlett was wearing a crimson coloured leotard with a skirt connected to it, that had two little cuts at each side. She had make up on her face and a dark crimson lipstick to match her leotard. As she skated in her faded light salmon coloured ice skates, she was doing cool poses. She had thin white tights on, and to match her lipstick and leotard she had thin crimson gloves on that reached up to about 4 inches from her shoulder. Her hair was tied up in a bun, and she looked nervous but proud of herself. She was concentrated and she was doing warm ups for a big performance the next day. She was a teenager that was nearly an adult. She wants to be a fantastic skater. It was pitch black at the colorado river in the middle of Arizona and California in America. It was cold on the steep and twisty frozen water as Scarlett crackled onto the ice. There were tall rocks surrounding her as she posed around. The wide thick ice that stood stable on top of the cold water was making quiet noises but Scarlett could not hear it over how focussed she was, as she practised for her performance with her Mum watching from the helicopter, that her family bought when Scarlett won all the money from the kids cup. As Scarlett possed around she thought she could challenge herself by playing a little game. She was held her breathe and she was trying to see how long she could foccus without breathing. To concentrate more she decided to close her eyes. Then she felt a bump on her shoe and she thought that it was just a ice lump of where she had already skated, but it was a large rock. “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Quickly the helicopter swooped down and landed next to Scarlett. Her mum ran out to grab her. The next thing she knew was that she woke up in a plane white room and she was wearing a light grey gown. She had a cast around her arm and it said ‘Get well soon’ as well as 6 other people’s names. Then a nurse came through the big doors. Scarlett’s Mother and Father were flowing behind her. The nurse gave Scarlett a drink and then she spoke to Scarlett’s parents. “Ohh. Well I’m afraid that Scarlett won’t be well enough to go to the competition today.” “Oh but Scarlett’s been looking forward to this since she was five.” She didn’t know what to do she would just have to go home and rest. She was missirible for the rest of the day. She guessed her big dreams of winning the competition had been ruined. She would just have to live for another eight years, for the next massive american skaters show.

Friday 23 March 2018

Joshua's Wacky Story

Joshua's Wacky Story The expensive yacht Lucky Lulu was sinking quickly. “Abandon ship! Everyone into the shelter!” hollered Captain Joshua. But the crew and passengers knew there were not enough food, so they threw fresh water and even one chip overboard. Then everyone disappeared into the salt water and grabbed onto whatever they could. Captain Joshua ordered everyone to form a line, tie their crafts together, and sing a 90’s song. First in line were Mary and Thomas bobbing in their expensive helicopter Next, came Shawn hanging on for dear life to a slimy boat .They were followed by 100 others. After 2 days, they were rescued by a strange boat. Not one passenger from the Lucky Lulu has taken a boat ride again.

Tevita's Wacky Story

Tevita's Wacky Story The submarine Lucky Lulu was sinking quickly. “Abandon ship! Everyone into the airplane!” hollered Captain Tevita. But the crew and passengers knew there were not enough pencil cases, so they threw bowls and even one guitar overboard. Then everyone danced into the ugly purple water and grabbed onto whatever they could. Captain Tevita ordered everyone to form a line, tie their crafts together, and sing happy birthday. First in line were Bleepy and Miguel bobbing in their black truck Next, came Shadrach hanging on for dear life to a slimy window. They were followed by 5 others. After 4 days, they were rescued by a strange monkey. Not one passenger from the Lucky Lulu has taken a boat ride again.

Sunday 11 March 2018

Blog Committee!

This year in Toroa we have introduced out Blogging Committee! These guys meet once a week and we spend time searching, dissecting and enjoying blog posts from students that are not only in our Uru Manuka Cluster but nationwide! 

We have lots of fun doing this and getting the time to sit down together to look at other students and schools learning is awesome! 
Here's just a glimpse of what we have been up to in the last week. 

Miss McCormick

Chloe T.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

New Year, New Us!

Welcome to Toroa for 2018! 

Being a new school, comes with a new name for our learning space!
We are really excited about this year and we have had such a great start to Term 1!
Check back in here to see some glimpses of our learning, experiences, photos, videos and whole lot more!
Some of our Hardworking students before we farewelled our lovely Tracey!

To the right we have our lovely group of peer mediators this year who are busy out in the playground at morning tea and lunch time ensuring that the playground is a happy, safe place!  

The next two pictures are some artwork that Mrs. North did during our Inquiry sessions about our new school values! These were pretty amazing and very colourful and are scattered around the classroom!