Wednesday 7 March 2018

New Year, New Us!

Welcome to Toroa for 2018! 

Being a new school, comes with a new name for our learning space!
We are really excited about this year and we have had such a great start to Term 1!
Check back in here to see some glimpses of our learning, experiences, photos, videos and whole lot more!
Some of our Hardworking students before we farewelled our lovely Tracey!

To the right we have our lovely group of peer mediators this year who are busy out in the playground at morning tea and lunch time ensuring that the playground is a happy, safe place!  

The next two pictures are some artwork that Mrs. North did during our Inquiry sessions about our new school values! These were pretty amazing and very colourful and are scattered around the classroom! 


  1. Hey! My old friends are P.M's now. That's good to know:)
    I love your new artworks for your values. Who's is the bird? Who cares. Good job;)

    Your Old Friend
    Teegan Ducharme XD;) :) ('b')

  2. Also what are the new values?
