Tuesday 27 March 2018

Hayley's Embarrassing Moment

I was at school, on Friday, when I received an invitation from my best friend Ivy. I looked at it for a moment. It was going to be on Saturday afternoon at 1:30pm. After school I quickly biked home and showed mum. Mum thought it was a fancy dress party. Mum got her wallet and said ¨let's go.¨ So we jumped into the car and drove to the Riccarton mall. The first thing we did was to go to Farmers. We went straight to the jeggings. I picked out a black pear. They were as black as night. Then we walked to the T shirt aisle. I picked out a light blue like the sky. We quickly payed for them and drove back home to try them on. They fitted perfectly. Next thing it was bedtime. I said goodnight to mum. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. I heard the birds chirping happily as I woke up the next morning. I was so excited. I jumped out of bed and quickly got changed into my new clothes. Mum was already up making pancakes. Before I knew it it was the afternoon and mum had dropped me off. Ivy came running up to me. ¨Happy birthday¨ I said. ¨Thanks.¨ ¨I invited your BOMD!¨. ¨NOOOOO!!! I said. As I walked in my BOMD started to come towards me. I ran straight for the fizzy drinks. I grabbed the raspberry flavor. I started to walk towards my BOMD while I was drinking my drink we were about 3 meters apart. Then It all went wrong. I tripped over some carpet and my raspberry went all over my BOMD. After that he got up and ran all the way home. After that I called mum on my phone and told her to come and get me. So she did. Once I got home I went straight up to my room and did not come out for two days.

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