Friday 14 September 2018

Eunize's Bird Inqiry

Royal Hairy Fantial Information Report
By Eunize

On a spring morning, in the McLeans Forest you might see a black and white Royal Hairy Fantail. This forest is situated on South Island, New Zealand.  The sharp clawed, brave Royal Hairy Fantail is a cute, cheeky bird.

The cute Royal Hairy Fantail has beautiful soft black and white flight feathers which make it possible to fly across the blue skies of South Island. It has a short beak with a sharp end. Its feet has three sharp claws to scratch its predators and grip tightly onto tree branches. It can grow up to 13 cm tall and it weighs around 1 kg. Its eyesight is excellent in the morning but at night it becomes blurry. The Royal Hairy Fantail looks like it’s from the fantail family of birds.

The Royal Hairy Fantail lives in the McLeans Forest of South Island, New Zealand. Sometimes they like to visit neighboring forests, however they always return home to the McLeans Forest. If the female is pregnant the male will make a nest on a high tree with thick branches. The nest is built with branches and leaves from surrounding trees.

The Royal Hairy Fantails eats beetles and small spiders. If you look at its beak, you will see why it has a short beak and has a sharp end so it can dig up the spiders.
They can find the beetles in the dirt and they can find the small spiders in the tallest trees were they live.
Sometime spider hunters go to the forest where the fantails live and try to find small spiders to grow in the pet shop and sells them to people who wants to keep spiders as a pet. This makes some of the Royal Hairy Fantails die because the spider hunters get their food.

Predators and threats
Sometimes the New Zealand Hawk, possums and rats hunt for Royal Hairy Fantail’s newborn babies to eat when it’s their dinner time. Where Royal Hairy Fantails keep their babies in the tree they try to keep them safe. What threatens their nest and their habitat is when it’s windy or snowing. Also when it’s hailing. This weather is a threat because the weather blows the nests out of trees.
To help the Royal Hairy Fantail we must set traps at night time for the possums and hawks and rats.

After knowing all these facts we now know that Royal Hairy Fantail’s are fascinating and they are nice and tame to you. These birds are also cute.

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