Friday 28 September 2018

Tekatiti's Poem

Tekatiti's Ocean Poem

Voice to the Pacific Ocean.
Observe plastic and sharks fins.
Your ocean is your pride that you take care of.
A bleached coral is bad for the Pacific Ocean.
Group of the 7 ships that sailed. The fleet.
Exciting trips on the water.

Shelby's Reading

Shanaya's Acrostic

V Voice for the ocean.
O Observe plastic and shark fins.
Y Your ocean is your pride. Look after it.
A A bleached coral is bad for the ocean.
G Group of the seven ships sailing across the  pacific ocean.

E Each shark is wasted they catch the fins and throw sharks back in the ocean.

Mitchell H's Poem

Acrostic poem by MitchellH
Voice of the ocean.
On training sails, we observed rubbish floating in the oceans.
Years ago voyaging canoes had been exploring the Pacific.
Able to go around rubbish and see sharks without fins.
Great ships sails around rubbish and sharks with no fins.

Everyone should respect the Pacific.

Harry's Week 10 Term 4 reading

Canada's Acrostic

Acrostic poem The Ocean
 By Canada
 Voice of the sea.
 Ocean full of rubbish.
 Years thousands of years since the first sailing of the Pacific.
 And we saw dead sharks without fins floating in the sea.
 Group of ships called a fleet.
 Exciting trip on the sea.

Friday 14 September 2018

Amelia's Inquiry

The Forest Gull An Information Report By Amelia Introduction It was cold and foggy in the early morning of the forest in New Zealand, while birds of all kinds fly around you. Some are big and some are small. They spread their wings and open their mouths catching worms, fish, and even other birds. If you go to a forest maybe you will see a forest gull. Description The Forest Gull is a medium sized bird that flys around rivers and forests. They have big beaks that are curved at the end for swooping down and catching fish in their beaks. They have webbed feet for swimming in the water where they can cool off, and wait for fish. Their feet are flat for walking on the ground. They have three small claws at the end of their long three toes, and at the back of their feet they have a tiny tiny toe and claw. Their claws are for catching fish and so are their sharp curved beaks. They are light green with white bellies. They are those colours so it can hide in trees and then swoop down to get food. They can be about 20 - 50 cm long which is the size of Habitat The Forest Gull lives in forests all over New Zealand. The Forest Gull’s colours are related to its habitat. They live near rivers but also in trees. You normally find the Forest Gull in trees like oak trees. They like trees that aren’t to short or wide but are in the middle. They are very common in forests though so you might see a Forest Gull one day. Predators and Threats The Forest Gull’s main predator are eagles. There are also other predators and threats to the Forest Gull and one of them is humans. We are threats to birds because we leave our rubbish around the place polluting out their homes and we are also cutting down forest trees and destroying the homes of these innocent birds. Conclusion From these facts it is clear that the Forest Gull is a common bird and is about the size of any regular gull, so you could see one and easily think it is a normal regular everyday bird that you see or you can point it out to your family or friends that you know that bird. It is a Forest Gull!

Shanaya's Inquiry

Information Report on the Alexandrean Parrot Por Shanaya The Alexandrean Parrot is a new Zealand cheeky like a kea. Description The Alexandrean is a large bird the size of a kea. They have purple feathers so they can keep warm and so it could look pretty and so they can make other birds go oh la la. They have a red beak that is sharp and curved, so it could crack open seeds. They have gray legs and 3 gray claws on each foot so they can climb. The Alexandrean parrot weights 1kg. Habitat The Alexandrean lives on the ground in forests and trees in Dunedin, They make their nest on twigs they make their nest out of leafs . Diet The alexandrean eats Seeds and fruit walnuts and nuts and veggies. Predators A cat , stock, a posim, are some predators but most of all humans we litter and it plots the land. Threats Earthquakes and storms can break their homes which can cors eggs and birds stepped on. Conclusion Now it is clear from these facts that we humans need to stop polluting the land.

Mitchell H's Inquiry

Information Report The Fish Eating Seagull By Mitchell Hawkes Introduction On a still misty spring morning by the beach in New Zealand you may see the fish eating seagull stealing food from people. Description The fish eating seagull appearance means it ìs obviously from the seagull family of birds. The size of a seagull is like two chickens. The beak is straight like a stick and curved at the end and the bird weighs 2kg. The fish eating seagull has red feathers on its stomach and has a yellow beak and feet. Habitat The fish eating seagull lives mostly near fishing boats around harbours at Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington and Northland that have fish and it stays at sea up for 20 years. The fish eating seagull builds its nest on sharp rocks near harbours. Diet The fish eating seagull eats insects and earthworms, rodents, eggs and fish. The fish eating seagull eats 25 fish 10 earthworms and 5 rodents eggs per day. Predators and threats The fish eating seagull predators is a shark and people. The people leave plastic behind and pollute the environment and when the fish eating sullgull will eat the plastic and it will die. Shark jump up and eat the the fish eating seagull when they fly low. Conclusion From these interesting facts it is clear that the fish eating seagull is a smart bird in New Zealand.

Jaren's Inquiry

Information report Bird name: Acarsic Eagle By Jaren Introduction: On a bright, sunny and windy day near the mountain or forest you may see lots of different kinds of birds that have different abilities. However, there is not a bird who can match up to the highly skilled Acarsic with its special abilities. Description: Acarsic is a smart,aggressive,wild and curious bird. Acarsic is a New Zealand bird and very special. Acarsics weighs about 3.2 kg because of its tight, fit muscles and large size. With its excellent feathers it can take off in strong wind and balance well in the air when flying. Habitat: The Acarsic is a rare, endangered bird and only lives in New Zealand trees such as in the Totara and Pine tree. It lives near a body of water like rivers around New Zealand. The Acarsic’s nest is made out of hay and sticks in a bowl formation. This nest creates a warm place for the Acarsic’s eggs to hatch. Diet: Acarsic eats rabbits, fish and worms. Acarsic’s beak is a large, pointy and could swallow a few large foods as it wants. Acarsic eats over one pound of food a day. Acarsic finds food on grass and rivers. Since baby Acarsic’s have small angle beak, it eats worms in its first age as it grows.Acarsic’s beak is a large, pointy and could swallow a few foods as it wants. Acarsic Predators and threats The number of Acarsic birds living in New Zealand has increased. The main reason for this is because they are recovering by drinking lots of water. Humans have set traps to kill the predators. To help Acarsic birds: To help Acarsic birds we must remove all bear traps near to their places and place the bear traps where the threats live so they won't be enabled to go through the Acarsics home and add some healthy food and water to keep them nice and healthy. Conclusion: Now we know from these facts, we know now know that Acarsic birds are harmless and kind to people. We also now know their habitat so if you are visiting in a mountain or a forest, please give some foods and clean water and protect them from their harmful enemies.

Joshua's Inquiry

Royal MK Hawk By Joshua Introduction On a snowy morning on Southern Alps you may see the Royal MK hawk. This is a powerful and amazing bird. Description Royal MK hawk male colors are brown and black. Royal MK hawk changes color if it's a light yellow and brown feet. The girl bird’s feet color is brown. It’s beak color is brown.It has powerful hearing.It has flight feathers. It has very good flight feathers.It has powerful eyesight. It’s weigh is 2 kg. It is the size of a pet cat. It has 3 claws and 1 at the back. It kinda look like a common black hawk. Habitat It lives in Southern Alps in the South Island in NZ. They built their nest with a tree branch. Some Royal MK Hawk prefer lives in caves. Diet It eats mice,fish,baby rabbits, small birds and red deer. It kills eats prey with its sharp pointy beak. It eats 5 food each day and the chicks eats 6 food each day. Small birds, red deer and fish are easy to find and mice and baby rabbits are hard to find.The Royal MK Hawk also eats berries and soft and hard seeds. Predators and Threats The adult Royal MK Hawk’s predators is humans. Baby Royal MK hawk’s predators are birds, feral cats, red deers and humans. To help the Royal MK Hawk we must put our rubbish in the rubbish bin and we shouldn't kill them. We shouldn’t pollute the rivers because the Royal MK Hawk think that the rubbish and eat it and die. Conclusion Now from these facts we know that the Royal MK hawk is a incredible, amazing and powerful bird.

Gloria's Inquiry

The Swalleon Swallow By: Gloria Introduction If you travel to the wetlands or the coast of New Zealand you have a slight chance on seeing the fabulous Swalleon Swallow flying swiftly, having few animals that dare to try hunt it down. Description The Swalleon Swallow is a part of the swalleon family and is proud to represent it. Their flight feathers are as black as ink for camouflage, while flying below the trees through the trees. The Swalleon Swallows are really hard to identify because without a warning it zooms pass you, and you won’t notice because of it’s dark colour combining with the ground. The beak is small but sharp, so that they can easily perce flying insects to death. Their feet curl into the body so while flying very low the claws won’t brush on the ground. His beak is small also because it won’t smack the ground while flying. Habitat Swalleon Swallows prefer to live near bodies of water that produce multitudes, but mostly they live at the wetlands or the coast which does have bodies of water. They also live in fields, marshes, shorelines, wooded swamps. Diet Swalleon Swallows like flying insects for food. They can catch them while flying through the air, the Swalleon Swallow opens its mouth and snaps it shut before the insect can escape. Predators and threats Home and wild cat are predators to the Swalleon Swallows. Surprisingly people are a threat because of the pollution they are making. Bad weather is also a threat to the bird. To help them us humans must not let your cat outside to kill them, and to use machines instead of coal burning engines, another thing you could do is to not litter but if you don’t then you’re an amazing person. Conclusion As you can see from all these facts the Swalleon Swallow is very fascinating type of bird! It would be unbelievable if you could make something like a zoo to look after the birds.

Canada's Inquiry

The Shortland Parrot By Canada On a still misty morning you might hear a noise and look outside and you will see a bird with a pointy curved beak and with short but sharp claws. It might be a Shortland parrot. Description The colours of the Shortland parrot are light and dark green feathers and with a skin colour neck. it can camouflage and can hide from their predators in bushes . They are sort of like the kea but it is from the Shortland parrot family. They have great eyesight because they splash water on their eyes so they are able to see. They weigh 15 pounds because they have been gaining weight it is as big as a rabbit. Shortland parrots have great flight feathers Because they are able to fly all over the mountains. Short but pointy and curved Short and the claws and sharp 2 front 2 at back Habitat The shortland parrot mainly nest within the native forest of nz. It only lives in the North Island. Diet The shortland parrot mainly eats roots, leaves, berries, nectar, and insects. Predators A white Hawk going for its eggs. Possums and rats eat eggs. People tramping in bush scare away mother birds To help the shortland parrot Threats Climate change cause storms can be very tough on the native shortland parrots because it can actually hurt the birds because they like to hibernate. Other facts There are around 372 different parrot species. Most parrots live in tropical areas. Parrots have curved bills (beaks), strong legs and clawed feet. Parrots are often brightly coloured. Parrots are believed to be one of the most intelligent bird species. Some species are known for imitating human voices. Conclusion From all these amazing facts you can see that the shortland parrot is in danger you need to help them.

Alexi's Inquiry

Rainblower Parrot Information Report By Alexia On a still warm morning in a forest near a cave, you may see the Rainbowler parrot. The Rainbowler parrot is a magnificent bird of New Zealand. Description The rainblower parrot is a magnificent parrot and their feathers are a lilac purple with a tint of sapphire blue. Underneath the rainblower parrots wings there's rainbow coloured The rainblower parrot has a little curved strong beak to eat hard seeds like flower seeds and seeds that the trees produce. The rainblower parrot claws are sharp it has two at the front one at the back.Their claws are meant for clawing onto branches. Their claws are also used to hold seeds and to grab onto their prey. Rainbowlers habitat The rainbowler parrot lives on the top of the south in forest’s near caves. The Rainbowler parrot loves to be in trees and creating nests. Birds diet The Rainbowler parrot eats flower seeds and other seeds they can find.But mostly flower seeds. Predators and threats to Rainbowlers parrot While Rainbowler parrots are finding stuff for their babies or their self to look after them. There's some predators that live in caves like bats and wild cats and other owls. Bats like to eat their baby birds.cats and owls may also do the same things. Threats can be climate change. Conclusion From these facts of the Rainbowler parrot is a fascinating bird that lives in New Zealand.

Faye's Inquiry

Snazzy Swans An Information Report By Faye Introduction On cold winter mornings you will find the majestical but endangered species of the Snazzy Swans. They are located around Lake Tekapo and Lake Matheson on South Island, New Zealand. Description They have rainbow coloured feathers which they use to skim over the top of the lake. Their feathers are soft and very vibrant, making them visable from a distance. The beak of the Snazzy Swan is medium in length and very straight. their yellow feet are webbed, The most things that frighten them are sharks and crocodiles,other things that sadly kill theses majestical animals are plastic and pollution and they are also very intelligent very curiouse and they are very adventures,they can weigh up to 35 kgs and they can grow as tall as an adult human. Habitat They live in the cold lakes of Lake Tekapo and Lake Matheson, which are located on South Island, New Zealand. This is where they find algae to eat and rest between flights. Diet They only eat green algae at the side of the lake they are the only animal that eats this in the lake of where they live there are loads of green algae so they ussualy have no comppetion for there food it is also very easy to find. Predetors and Threats Preadetors of the snazzy swans are raccons and also plastic and poloution can kill them. What threatens there nest and there habbitat, the lake is bad for the eggs because if the egg falls down of its nest it can easily go in the lake and the eggs tempreture will get really cold and it can die. When it rains the ake can get a little higher and it can wet there nests. Raccons sometimes steal there eggs and eat them. Conclusion Now from these facts we have learnt a lot about these spectaular cretures like what they eat and where they live and what there predetors are.

Harry's Inqiry

  King Heron
                                       An information report by Harry

The King heron’s oppeacance means it is obviously from the heron family.

Heron’s feathers are strong and Intensive. The feather colour are light blue, pure white and gray-black. His feet are small and long to help him stand in shallow water,and help him to use his feet to get fish. His beak is long and sharp to help him catch fish or a  snake in the water. Heron length is 84 – 100 cm and  size is 1 – 2.1 kg and Height: 1.2 – 1.5 m

You may see a King heron in lowland areas, like water,  swamps and close water places because there are so many fish, water mice and small birds to eat .  You may meet it  in New Zealand's South Island. The King Heron builds its nest out of grass. It mainly lives in grass.

The heron eats water mice, fish and small birds. Its beak is long and sharp, to help him  catch water mice and bird hidden under the rock. Heron eat fish and water mice each day because the heron  lives close to water and grass. He finds his food in the water, on the grass, under the rocks, heron was easy to find food because bird and fish was very common. Some people always destroy or eat its food because people like to eat fish, and some people like to eat birds.

The biggest threat is not so many swamp and lowland areas to lived but they also can transfer habitat so this is just little threats and the other threats is not so many food. 1. We also know some people are catching bird to eat or give to buyer. 2. Some people are catching fish to eat or give to buyer.

From these facts we can also know heron is a big bird and they food is not so a lot.  So what we can do to help heron. 1. Don’t catching birds and fish. 2. Don’t kill heron.

Eunize's Bird Inqiry

Royal Hairy Fantial Information Report
By Eunize

On a spring morning, in the McLeans Forest you might see a black and white Royal Hairy Fantail. This forest is situated on South Island, New Zealand.  The sharp clawed, brave Royal Hairy Fantail is a cute, cheeky bird.

The cute Royal Hairy Fantail has beautiful soft black and white flight feathers which make it possible to fly across the blue skies of South Island. It has a short beak with a sharp end. Its feet has three sharp claws to scratch its predators and grip tightly onto tree branches. It can grow up to 13 cm tall and it weighs around 1 kg. Its eyesight is excellent in the morning but at night it becomes blurry. The Royal Hairy Fantail looks like it’s from the fantail family of birds.

The Royal Hairy Fantail lives in the McLeans Forest of South Island, New Zealand. Sometimes they like to visit neighboring forests, however they always return home to the McLeans Forest. If the female is pregnant the male will make a nest on a high tree with thick branches. The nest is built with branches and leaves from surrounding trees.

The Royal Hairy Fantails eats beetles and small spiders. If you look at its beak, you will see why it has a short beak and has a sharp end so it can dig up the spiders.
They can find the beetles in the dirt and they can find the small spiders in the tallest trees were they live.
Sometime spider hunters go to the forest where the fantails live and try to find small spiders to grow in the pet shop and sells them to people who wants to keep spiders as a pet. This makes some of the Royal Hairy Fantails die because the spider hunters get their food.

Predators and threats
Sometimes the New Zealand Hawk, possums and rats hunt for Royal Hairy Fantail’s newborn babies to eat when it’s their dinner time. Where Royal Hairy Fantails keep their babies in the tree they try to keep them safe. What threatens their nest and their habitat is when it’s windy or snowing. Also when it’s hailing. This weather is a threat because the weather blows the nests out of trees.
To help the Royal Hairy Fantail we must set traps at night time for the possums and hawks and rats.

After knowing all these facts we now know that Royal Hairy Fantail’s are fascinating and they are nice and tame to you. These birds are also cute.